Our Hotel AUSTRIA – unfortunately once again in LOCKDOWN!

Our Hotel AUSTRIA – unfortunately once again in LOCKDOWN!

Our Hotel AUSTRIA – unfortunately once again in LOCKDOWN!

Regretfully, we are already experiencing our THIRD Lockdown!
Hotel AUSTRIA has been EMPTY for many weeks!
No FAITHFUL guests, no HAPPY voices from our staff, simply no "LIFE" on these very special premises...

Our Hotel AUSTRIA team is on furlough.
Twice a week our "public areas" are vacuumed and cleaned, all guest rooms are checked, our plants are watered and much more...

Mrs Renate, our receptionist, works EVERY DAY from her home office, taking advantage of high-tech support...

Do you know what we all miss THE MOST?



Since the beginning of November, hotels in Austria have had to remain closed for tourists and Hotel Austria is no exception. However, week after week, we receive messages of encouragement and best wishes for the holidays from many of our guests, as well as expressions of sympathy following the attack in Vienna. We would like to thank you very, very much for these displays of loyalty. 

We are immensely touched that you do take the time to write these personal messages, send birthday wishes to team members and share memories of Vienna with us. Some guests are optimistic and are already planning for new stays in the future. We are at your disposal at any time (by phone, e-mail and online). 

WHEN will our HOTEL AUSTRIA finally be able to RE-OPEN??

Unfortunately, no politician, virologist, epidemiologist or other expert can answer this question at this moment in time!

Ever new lockdown regulations, endless travel warnings and above all the new mutation "B.1.1.7." do not yet allow us any respite...

A VERY great deal is actually up to us, EVERY ONE OF US: Reduce social contacts to a minimum at the moment, keep a social distance of 2 m, use FFP2 masks, and very simply, wash your hands or desinfect them....
And most importantly: STAY POSITIVE!!

TOGETHER, we can DO it!
And – we will then –hopefully soon– be able to welcome you back to Hotel AUSTRIA!   

"a new AWARD"

In this very unusual time, there is, however, the occasional good news. A few days ago, – one of the largest booking platforms in the world – awarded us the "Traveller Review Award 2021". Primarily, it recognises our efforts in providing exceptional hospitality during these challenging past months.
Thank you for YOUR REVIEWS, which made this award possible. 

Room very comfortable, breakfast was very nice.The reception staff also made arrangements to organise a very early breakfast for us at 3.45am as we had an early flight. Very much appreciated.

January /


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