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of Vienna.

The St. Stephen’s Cathedral is Vienna's impressive landmark and one of the most important Gothic buildings in Europe. With its 136 metre high south tower, it dominates the city's skyline.

Aussicht auf den Stephansdom Wien über den Dächern bei Sonnenuntergang Stephansdom in Wien

St. Stephen’s Cathedral

The cathedral was built in the 12th century and impresses with its ornate roof, which consists of over 230,000 colourful tiles. Particularly worth seeing are the imposing high altar, the catacombs and the famous Pummerin - the largest bell in Austria. From the viewing platform of the south tower, you can enjoy a breathtaking view over Vienna.

in the first

St. Stephen’s Cathedral
Stephansplatz 3
1010 Vienna

  • On foot: 5 minutes from HOTEL AUSTRIA
  • Public transport: underground lines U1 / U3 - stop Stephansplatz
Lage Stephansdom © AdobeStock #254268451 / Knut Hebstreit